When You Forget To Pee After Masturbating, This Is What Happens To Your Body – Health Digest
The risk of getting a UTI, in general, is higher in women than in men, mainly because of differences in anatomy. So peeing after sex or self-pleasure becomes even more important for those born as women.
Women’s urethras are shorter and also located close to the vagina and rectum, making it not only easier to transfer bacteria from those two adjoining areas to the urethra but also shorter travel distance to the bladder. Additionally, the tissue lining the urethral meatus is more sensitive and porous, making it more susceptible to infection. That being said, there is a smaller risk of infection when only clitoral stimulation is involved during sexual play, per Dr. Doreen Chung, a specialist in female urology at New York-Presbyterian/Columbia University Medical Center (via Refinery29). Men, in contrast, have longer urethras. They also tend to flush out any bacteria as they ejaculate because they pee and secrete sperm through the same opening. Still, it’s not a bad idea for men to pee after masturbation or sex, too. Why not be doubly careful?
Speaking of masturbation, sex, and peeing, there are a few common myths surrounding what happens to your health if you pee after sex.
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