
Eating Eggplant Has An Unexpected Effect On Your Cholesterol – Health Digest

[ad_1] Despite its mild and subtly sweet flavor, eggplant can take on unexpected textures and tastes depending on how you make it. You can bake, grill, roast, or sauté it into your favorite dishes. It’s also great as a side,…

Could Your Gut Be The Secret To Curing High Cholesterol? A New Study Explains – Health Digest

[ad_1] The study looked at genetic material and metabolites in stool samples from more than 1,400 people, noting the connection between cholesterol and cardiovascular health. The researchers identified the presence of Oscillibacter bacteria as being linked with reduced cholesterol. Then,…

Add This Powerhouse Ingredient To Your Diet To Lower High Cholesterol – Health Digest

[ad_1] In the 2009 systematic review, researchers analyzed 13 different studies whose findings showed the heart health benefits of short-term walnut consumption on participant blood lipid profiles. Across more than 360 participants, those who ate a walnut-dense diet for anywhere…

This Common Prostate Medication Might Also Reduce Your High Cholesterol – Health Digest

[ad_1] Different doses of finasteride were given to male mice who had atherosclerosis for 12 weeks while feeding them a Western diet. The finasteride not only lowered their cholesterol levels but also had some clearing of the fatty deposits in…

Eating This Underrated Tropical Fruit Can Help Lower High Cholesterol – Health Digest

[ad_1] According to a 2016 randomized controlled study published in the Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, consuming guava pulp (made from the vibrant red flesh of the fruit) without the peel had a significant and favorable effect on both lipid levels and…

The Unique Beverage That Can Raise Your Good Cholesterol – Health Digest

[ad_1] If your HDL needs a boost, you’ll have to drink a lot of rooibos tea. A 2011 article in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology had 40 people drink six cups of fermented rooibos tea (that’s the red tea you’ll usually…

High Cholesterol Has An Unexpected Effect On A Man’s Sex Life – Health Digest

[ad_1] All the cholesterol in your body is not bad. In fact, cholesterol serves the important function of helping your body produce cell membranes, vitamin D, and sex hormones like testosterone and estrogen. Having healthy cholesterol levels means having higher levels of…

The Unique Citrus Fruit That Can Help Lower Your High Cholesterol – Health Digest

[ad_1] Talk about stumbling on a fruit that has the internet talking about it — apparently, lots of people have ended up confusing another citrus fruit called the “kaffir lime,” native to Southeast Asia, with the bergamot, even though the former is…

Can Eating This Popular Spice Really Lower Your High Cholesterol? – Health Digest

[ad_1] Turmeric is one of those spices that instantly brighten up your dishes, owing to its bright yellow hue. It has an earthy flavor combined with some hints of ginger and pepper and makes a great addition to lattes, teas,…

High Cholesterol Increases Your Risk Of This Common Disease – Health Digest

[ad_1] Your kidneys serve many functions in your body. Their big job is to filter out waste from your blood, purifying 200 quarts of blood for just a few quarts of urine. Your kidneys also make hormones that control your…