The Long-Term Side Effect You Might Experience After Getting Norovirus - Health Digest
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The Long-Term Side Effect You Might Experience After Getting Norovirus – Health Digest


Using mouse models, researchers found that norovirus may impact the functioning of a key protein whose job it is to communicate to our immune system to cease fire on our gastrointestinal tract once the infection has been fought off. Co-author of the study Ken Cadwell explained to NBC News that it’s our body’s T-cells that produce this protein, but norovirus infection appears to hinder their proper functioning. For some people, this can lead to the development of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), specifically Crohn’s disease, which is characterized by ongoing gastrointestinal symptoms such as diarrhea, abdominal pain, and various other effects on the body. For patients already diagnosed with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), norovirus infection may worsen symptoms, according to 2009 research published in the Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition. 

Speak with your doctor if symptoms of norovirus infection do not subside within three days. Norovirus infection can also put one at risk for dehydration, so see your healthcare provider if you experience decreased urine output, dizziness, fatigue, or any other unusual symptoms.


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