
Ways Following The Carnivore Diet Can Wreak Havoc On Your Digestive System – Health Digest

[ad_1] Enjoying a good steak or chicken on your plate for every meal might sound tempting, especially if you’re a meat and potatoes person. But your system isn’t ready for the all-out war of protein and fat when it’s accustomed…

The Unexpected Way A Low Carb Diet Affects Your Life Expectancy – Health Digest

[ad_1] The study followed more than 15,000 people over 25 years and looked at how their carbohydrate intake factored into how long they lived. People whose carb intake averaged between 50 and 55% of their daily calories lived the longest….

Why You Should Think Twice Before Eating Diet Snacks On An Empty Stomach – Health Digest

[ad_1] Don’t be fooled by the packaging that gives the idea that you’re eating something healthy. Diet snack packs are still processed food items (via Delish). Plus, cookies and other such food items are made with refined flour, notes WebMD, which…

The Worst Time Of Year To Start A Diet – Health Digest

[ad_1] The absolute worst time of year to start a diet is during New Year’s. Adopting a healthier lifestyle and picking up a new diet is a very common New Year’s resolution. According to Forbes, nearly 40% of all American…

Selling Sunset star Vanessa Villela shares her secrets on maintaining her camera ready figure

[ad_1] Former Selling Sunset reality TV star Vanessa Villela shares her secrets with Healthista on how to maintain a camera ready figure Are you ready for season 6 of hit Netflix show Selling Sunset? We most certainly are. Healthista loves…

Why You Shouldn’t Start A Diet Right After Vacation – Health Digest

[ad_1] Certified personal trainer Daniel Masters thinks the best time to start a diet is today, but the how matters too, per Master Fitness. There’s no need to completely cut out everything you like to eat. “Every time you cut…

Why A High-Protein Diet Makes Your Farts A Little Extra Stinky – Health Digest

[ad_1] According to WebMD, protein requirements vary from 50 to 60 grams, depending on sex. However, high-protein diets focus on adding more protein than you typically do through various sources. Some of the most common high-protein diets, like Paleo and…

17 healthy foods that fight depression – Healthista

[ad_1] A healthy diet not only supports us physically, but mentally, evidence shows. Vanessa Chalmers talks to nutritionist May Simpkin about the healthy foods that fight depression One in for people will experience a mental health problem every year in the…

Your Eyes Have An Unexpected Effect On Your Memory – Health Digest

[ad_1] It’s not that these studies have found that eye problems cause dementia and other conditions of cognitive decline, according to the Assil Gaur Eye Institute. Cognition and vision both tend to decline with age. However, it’s possible that vision…