There May Be A Good Reason To Store Your Poop For Future Use – Health Digest
[ad_1] According to a 2022 opinion piece published in Trends in Molecular Medicine, another good reason to store your poop for future use includes autologous fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT). The concept of fecal transplants — collecting poop from a healthy donor and introducing…
The Weird Reason You’re Yawning All The Time (And It’s Not Because You’re Tired) – Health Digest
[ad_1] Anxiety-related yawning could also have to do with the hyperventilation that comes with feeling anxious (via Calm Clinic). Hyperventilation, otherwise known rapid or deep breathing because of some sort of stress response, can make you feel like you’re not getting…
The Scientific Reason Movie Theater Food Cravings Are Hard To Control – Health Digest
[ad_1] According to a 2013 four-part study conducted by the Association for Consumer Research, we are more likely to reach for unhealthy food when seated in a dimly lit environment. When given the choice between a fruit cup or a…
Visiting The ER For This Reason Increases Your Risk Of Early Death – Health Digest
[ad_1] You may not think much of a minor slip that hurt your ankle at the Christmas party while you’d had one too many drinks, but alcohol-related injuries can be life-threatening, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention….
The Big Reason Marijuana Makes People So Hungry – Health Digest
[ad_1] “It’s like pressing a car’s brakes and accelerating instead,” said Tamas Horvath, lead author of a 2015 rodent study published in Nature, during a press release (via PBS). The research paper explains that natural cannabinoid receptors in our brain…