Simple Tricks To Cope With Needle Fear The Next Time You Visit The Doctor – Health Digest
[ad_1] When you are feeling fearful or anxious, your body’s natural “fight or flight” response is triggered, leading to physical symptoms such as increased heart rate, rapid breathing, and muscle tension (via StatPearls). Deep breathing exercises counteract these responses by…
Can This Simple Arm Exercise Reverse Aging? Here’s What We Know – Health Digest
[ad_1] Declining muscle strength, reduced flexibility, and age-related atrophy are all realities of an aging body. But exercises that target upper body strength and mobility can help in all of these areas, per Intergrated Rehabilitation Services. When you exercise using monkey…
Do This Simple Leg Exercise To Improve Your Balance – Health Digest
[ad_1] Also called a heel raise, the exercise involves lifting yourself up onto the balls of your feet so your heels leave the floor, explains Real Simple. Remain in this position for a few moments before bringing your heels slowly…