
Eating Eggplant Has An Unexpected Effect On Your Cholesterol – Health Digest

[ad_1] Despite its mild and subtly sweet flavor, eggplant can take on unexpected textures and tastes depending on how you make it. You can bake, grill, roast, or sauté it into your favorite dishes. It’s also great as a side,…

Eating Cinnamon Has An Unexpected Effect On Your Bones – Health Digest

[ad_1] Cinnamon contains a few nutrients that contribute to overall bone health — potassium, calcium, vitamin A, and vitamin K.   Dietary potassium helps maintain bone density by neutralizing acid load and reducing calcium loss, while calcium has always been linked to overall bone…

The Unexpected Dangers Of Jessica Biel’s Controversial Eating Habits – Health Digest

[ad_1] While you may not have to worry about fecal matter getting in your bowl of cereal (provided you’re showering in a clean bathroom), there is still a small chance of microbial transfer from dripping hair strands to your food,…

Eating Soy Has An Unexpected Effect On A Man’s Prostate – Health Digest

[ad_1] Soy can also supplement radiation therapy in treating prostate cancer by reducing side effects. A 2010 study in Nutrition and Cancer had one group of prostate cancer patients take 200 milligrams of soy isoflavone a day while another took a…

Drinking Coffee Can Help Prevent This Unexpected Disease – Health Digest

[ad_1] The 2023 study involved 4,488 participants, all of whom had a variant of the LRRK2 gene that put them at a higher risk for Parkinson’s disease. “The LRRK2 (leucine-rich repeat kinase 2) gene plays a significant role in the development of…

Not Wiping After Peeing Has An Unexpected Effect On Men’s Health – Health Digest

[ad_1] According to Kenny He’s video and subsequent interview with BuzzFeed, not touching toilet paper to the penis after urinating can lead to bacterial infections like urinary tract infections (UTI), mainly because of the acidic residue of urine that could be…

Science Says You’ll Have The Best Sex At This Unexpected Age – Health Digest

[ad_1] Experts seem to think that the best sex comes at this unexpected age because you’re a lot more confident, comfortable in your skin, and body positive as you grow older, all factors that contribute to a good sex life….

This Underrated Liquid Has An Unexpected Effect On Your Hydration – Health Digest

[ad_1] The thought of dumping out your pickles to drink the pickle brine might sound gross to you, but cyclists and triathletes have been using it for years to beat cramping. Tennis player Carlos Alcaraz was seen sipping on pickle…

Eat This Unexpected Snack Before Bed To Fall Asleep In Record Time – Health Digest

[ad_1] Can't sleep? If only there were a snack lurking in your fridge that could help you fall asleep in record time. Well, turns out, there just might be. [ad_2] Source link

Unexpected Signs You’re Eating Way Too Much Peanut Butter (And Why They’re Concerning) – Health Digest

[ad_1] The high fat content in peanut butter can lead to indigestion due to bloating caused by excess fat in the upper gastrointestinal tract (via O2 Fitness). Additionally, you could experience stomach pain if you have a sensitivity to certain…