What It Means When Eating Peanut Butter Gives You A Headache – Health Digest
[ad_1] If that handful of nuts you’re munching on is peanuts, or if you’re smearing a glob of peanut butter onto your toast, you’re getting a hefty dose of the amino acid tyramine (via Medical Offices of Manhattan). An enzyme…
Warning Signs Your Headache Is Actually A Brain Tumor – Health Digest
[ad_1] Although some of these might overlap with a hangover or stress headache, there are a few tell-tale signs your headache is more serious than you think. Is your headache worse when you lie down or when you wake up…
This Is The Best Sleep Position When You Have A Headache – Health Digest
[ad_1] When it comes to migraines, your sleep schedule and how you sleep can be more important than ever. “Anything that gets you out of your normal routine can cause a headache, because the ‘migraine brain’ likes to be as steady…
Eat This High-Protein Food To Relieve Stubborn Headache Pain – Health Digest
[ad_1] Most of your magnesium is stored in your bones and soft tissues such as muscle, according to the 2020 article in Nutrients. Magnesium deficiency contributes to cortical spreading depression that is linked to migraines. Taking magnesium can help control…